Series Description The Costello TV show was a 30 minute comedy series on the FOX Network about a 27-year-old barmaid who was trying to improve her lot in life. Her mostly crude, working-class, Irish-American family preferred that she remain in the gutter with them and gave her a really hard time whenever she talked about a better, more fullfilling life. Costello Cast
Sue Costello .... Sue Murphy Costello Trivia:
There were four episodes of the Costello TV show that were produced but were not broadcast. Their titles were: Anniversary", "The Garage", "Double Date", and "Angie O'Plasty".
Sue Costello and her mother worked at the "Bull and Dog Bar" located in South Boston, Massachusetts.
The Costello TV show had a pretty decent time slot on Tuesday evenings from 8:30 to 9:00PM. It came on right after FOX's hit series, "King of the Hill"! Costello's competition was "The Hughleys" on ABC, "Encore Encore" on NBC, "Clueless" on UPN, and the second half of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" on the WB Network. (NOTE: Both UPN and the WB Network later combined to become the CW Network).
The main reason that the Costello TV show was yanked off the air after just four episodes was its vulgar and distasteful scripts! It was blatant in its stereotyping of both Irish culture and women and that didn't set well with audiences.
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