Series Description The Reign TV show is a 60 minute highly fictionalized historical drama series on the CW about the young Mary Queen of Scots rise to power during her time at the French Court of King Henry II. The King wanted to use Mary's claim to the English crown as a way for him to take power in that nation. He would do that by taking Mary as a daughter-in-law. While Mary might fall for the French Prince, she also becomes a strong woman in her own right and will do what is best for her Scottish subjects if she can survive all the forces working against her! Reign Cast
Adelaide Kane .... Mary, Queen of Scots Reign Trivia
The leading roles on Reign are played by a combination of Australian, Canadian, and English actors. For example: Adelaide Kane is Australian; Toby Regbo is English; and Alan Van Sprang, Megan Follows and Torrance Coombs are all Canadian.
Reign begins with a 15-year-old Mary being sent to France in the year 1557 to prepare for her marriage to Prince Francis, her fiance since age six!
Reign Opening Narrative
(Episodes 2-11)
"Since Mary, Queen of Scotland, was a child the English have wanted her country and her crown. She is sent to France to wed its next king, to save herself and her people - a bond that should protect her, but there are forces that conspire, forces of darkness, forces of the heart. Long may she reign."
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