Series Description The Big Deal TV show was a 60 minute game show on the FOX Network where contestants were picked from the studio audience to compete against each other in games and stunts that were often designed to embarass them. Contestants who won a prize could either keep it or trade it for something unseen in a box or behind a curtain. At the end of each episode, the two biggest winners were allowed to trade their substantial winnings for an even potentially more valuable "Big Deal". Big Deal Game Show Cast
Mark DeCarlo .... Host Big Deal Game Show Trivia:
Since this attempt to copy the super successful "Let's Make A Deal" game show didn't work out so well for FOX, the next season they filled "Big Deal's" time slot with a series titled, "World's Funniest Home Videos", another attempt at copying the successful ABC series, "America's Funniest Home Videos".
The Big Deal game show did have some pretty formidable competition in its 7:00PM Sunday time slot. ABC was airing "America's Funniest Home Videos". CBS was broadcasting the hit news magazine series, "60 minutes". NBC was also showing their hit investigative news program, "Dateline NBC".
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