Series Description The Carrie Diaries is a 60 minute dramatic comedy series on the CW network about Carrie Bradshaw's life as a teenager, years before she appeared on the 1998-2004 HBO series, "Sex and the City". It's difficult for Carrie to deal with her mother's death but life goes on and she wants a good life in the big city so while attending high school in Castlebury, Connecticut she also gets a job as an intern with a law firm in New York City. The Carrie Diaries Cast
AnnaSophia Robb .... Carrie Bradshaw / Narrator
Ellen Wong .... Jill "Mouse" Thompson
Stefania Owen .... Dorrit Bradshaw
Austin Butler .... Sebastian Kydd
Katie Findlay .... Maggie Landers
Chloe Bridges .... Donna LaDonna
Brendan Dooling .... Walt Reynolds
Matt Letscher .... Tom Bradshaw
Freema Agyeman .... Larissa Loughton
The Carrie Diaries Trivia
This series is based on a book series written by Candace Bushnell and in particular, her book also titled "The Carrie Diaries".
Carrie's ultimate goal is to become a writer and fans of Sex and the City know that she will achieve that goal as she was a writer at Vogue Magazine on that serie with her own very popular column.
The Carries Diaries first season took place in 1984 when Carrie was a junior in High School.
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