Nancy Drew

Nancy Drew Cast

Series Description

Nancy Drew is a mystery drama series that premiered on the CW Network on October 9, 2019. Nancy and her co-workers at a restaurant called, "The Claw" are suspects in the murder of a local socialite named Tiffany Hudson. Nancy loves solving mysteries however so she teems up with her co-workers and find out for herself who the murderer is.

Nancy Drew Cast

Kennedy McMann as Nancy Drew
Leah Lewis as Georgia "George" Li-Yun Fan
Alvina August as Detective Karen Hart (Season 1)
Leah Lewis as Odette Lamar (Season 2)
Maddison Jaizani as Bess Turani Marvin
Riley Smith as Ryan Hudson
Tunji Kasim as Ned "Nick" Nickerson
Alex Saxon as Ace
Scott Wolf as Carson Drew

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