100 Lives Of Black Jack Savage

100 Lives of Black Jack Savage Cast

Series Description

The 100 Lives of Black Jack Savage TV show was a 60 minute comedy series on NBC about the ghost of a pirate from the 1600s and a con artist on run from the law who discovered that their souls were damned for all eternity unless they somehow were able to save the lives of 100 people.

100 Lives of Black Jack Savage Cast

Steven Williams .... Black Jack Savage
Daniel Hugh-Kelly .... Barry Tarberry
Roma Downey .... Danielle
Bert Rosario .... President Vasquez
Steve Hytner .... Logan "FX" Murphy


Even though the series was broadcast on NBC, the official title was, "Disney Presents: The 100 Lives of Black Jack Savage" as it was a Walt Disney production.

Opening Narrative

"So you don't believe in ghosts, do you? Then meet Black Jack Savage. This Black Jack, he was a pirate. Killed a hundred men before they stretched his old neck. Heading straightway for Hell, he is, unless he saves the lives of 100 living men. There's a modern day pirate too, name of Barry Tarberry, the richest man in New York. And for his lifetime of evil doing he's Hellbound, himself. Unless he join up with old Black Jack, that is, saving all those lives ... and they'll save every last one of them."

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